When we spoke about the perception of truth in both the modernism and the postmodernism I had to think about a picture that shows Friedrich King of Preussen with his fellows of the Tabakkollegium.
The painter (Georg Lisiewski) choose a perspective with vanishing point, but the persons appearing in the picture aren't painted in a realistic way. For example the servants are very small. The king sits in the lower middle of the picture. If I had painted the picture I would have made him bigger, but maybe he wouldn't like to disgrace his fellows...
So the truth is, as quite often, only a question of the point of view and the knowledge a person has.
An other approach to this topic is the modern fashion photografie.
Nearly anybody can be changed in to a supermodel within a few hours spent on its pictures in photoshop. Does this mean that we will look at everyday life people and are bored about them because they look too ugly or do not fit in to the ideal proportions and cleanness of the artificial made poeples? At my opinion it isn't so. I still prefer real humans with some mistakes and some personality to the more and more androgyneus human beings in the ads. But nevertheless I have to admit that creating such ideal bodies shifts the perception of what's considered to be normal. Some may run in to a trap in following unfollowable ideals.
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