Friday, 22 February 2008

It took a bit of time to walk around the whole box.

The walker isn't moving very well but I will ad a little more shakieness during the weekend.

A bunch of questions arose while animating.
For Example:

- Why ,when I nearly finish the animation and copy frame 0 to the late frame (f256), does the "head" and the feet have the funny feeling to make a 360 degree turn?
- Who do I keep the feet in place? (Ev. moving pivot point for rotation?)
- Why do the legs in the rendered file sometimes disappeare?
- Are there something like "Sheets" or "Animating Sheets" in Max where I could plan the animation or have I just to start animating?
(It would be usefull to have something like a breakdown for the walkcycle.
For Example: 1. move right leg 2. rotate right heel joint 3. ajust toe rotation 4. move upper body a.s.o.)

- More knowlegde about the whole snaping function stuff required!
- Think about a better workflow so my body (the BACK & the eyes) doesn't feel like a pain after several hours of work -> considerings to start yoga and go to a fitnesstudio!? (Oh my God!)

1 comment:

miss soph said...

ohh, i like it a lot!