Friday, 25 April 2008

Skin Test - Buzzcat

maybe would it be a good idea for me not to try to make a perfect rig to skin fitting...

maybe a 80% good version also works - I'll think about this idea during the next few hours of work on the vertex weights...

Yes, I know its time consuming and stupid to weight vertices manually but the envelopes are a kind of limited I just found out. Because if the proportions of your model are a bit out of normal then the envelopes can't cover all the areas the connected bones should influence.

My workflow looks at the moment like this:

1. adjust envelop -> test animate (petrifying shock 'cause it moves somewhere and somehow)
2. manually adjust vertecies -> test animate
3. - 1000. just as I did in step 2. (I could spend weeks on it...)

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