Sunday, 29 June 2008

THE FINAL MOVIE and blablabla...

Ok, it's done finaly I uploaded the movie here and on youtube (oh, I forgott to upload it to aniboom)!! I hope some people will see it and comment on it.

I have mixed feelings about the movie. One one side it was the first movie project in 3dsMax, so I am already quite happy that there are some textures and it moves but on the other side was my script so much deeper and involved so much more that could have helped to understand what's going on.
I am quite ashame that I had to cut out nearly all of the live footage Jon and me shot in my flat, but the movie would have been far to long with it.
But I am still happy we did the shooting because it was fun and an also a piece of the project. It involved storyboarding, planning and getting the equipment, building up the set with the lights and the props and finaly the shooting.

Nevertheless I am somehow happy with what I achieved. At least it has a quality high enough that I don't have to be afraid to add it to my portfolio and to show it to people I wan't to work with.

...after all I had a great time here in Nottingham. I learnd a lot about me, some other people and got alot of inspiration through the teachers. Maybe not so much through the actuall teaching but through little discussions, some hints and recommedations for books and artists I could possibly look at. (Great thanks for showing me Edward Gorey and Jhonen Vasquez!!! They will definitifly stay in my life for longer and influence my style)

The library was always a great inspiration... My Nottingham life is very easy to describe. If I wasn't working at my Laptop on the project I was in WAV 105 working on the project. If I wasn't working on my project at all I was possibly in a lecture or a tutorial learning stuff usefull for the project so I tried the learned to apply to my works. But sometimes I was just straying around in the arts department of the library to do myself a favour and have glimpses to this or that book. (I also found three or four I took home and read) And there where also times I bought a lot of booze and switched my brain off for one or two days while laying half naked (its only the half of the truth ;-) ) in front on my laptop and watch tons of cartoons.
Hm...maybe I shouldn't write this in my final feedback paper for both of the universities... I will see... HAHAHA

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